Thursday, May 12, 2005

Hu Met James Sung & His Delegation -- 胡锦涛会见亲民党大陆访问团

Hu met James Sung & He stress that both shores should work on the peace, stability, development. That is also the will & wishes of the peoples. As the leader's all have to follow the wishes of the peoples.

Follow the trends do all the good things for the developments & prosperities of both shores. & to contribute to the best of the Chinese Race Great Recovery.

James Sung said, for this trip he have witness the great change & advancement. The most significant things is the China advance in idealogy & the will to match a giant step in Modernization. He believed, only the peace between both shores, then altogether, the Chinese would achieve a greatest success.

In my earlier report. My comment is that both are of the same roots & blood, it is within the family. There is no reason for both people to be at odd with each other. United is the strength. Both Shore need each other to achieve the dream of providing Shelter, Food, prosperity & happiness to the people.


新华网北京5月12日电(记者张勇 陈斌华 陈键兴)中共中央总书记胡锦涛今天下午在北京亲切会见了亲民党主席宋楚瑜率领的亲民党大陆访问团全体成员。胡锦涛强调,求和平、求稳定、求发展,是两岸同胞的共同企盼。作为两岸政党领导人,我们应该登高望远、紧跟时代、顺应民意、奋发有为,共同为促进两岸发展繁荣、实现中华民族的伟大复兴而努力。这是时代对我们的要求,也是人民对我们的要求。


5月12日,中共中央总书记胡锦涛在北京人民大会堂会见亲民党主席宋楚瑜率领的亲民党大陆访问团全体成员。这是胡锦涛同宋楚瑜亲切握手。 新华社记者姚大伟摄

5月12日,中共中央总书记胡锦涛在北京人民大会堂东大厅会见亲民党主席宋楚瑜率领的亲民党大陆访问团全体成员。 新华社记者李学仁摄








Tuesday, May 10, 2005

James Sung: All Eacts Shown That PRC is Arising!! 宋楚瑜:所有数据和事实都说明中国正在快速崛起

James Sung of Taiwan speaking in Beijing Ching Hua University that all figures & indicators shown, People's Republic of China is Arising rapidly.

The common goal for both shores is to let the Chinese people away from backward poor Nation to a equal wealth society.

The world have to face the truth that the Chinese people are at its most prosperous period compare with the past few hundred years. That is the important period for the Chinese to stand up a tall rewrite the victimized history. The actual enemy for both shore is not the brotherhood relationship. But is the poverty & balance of distribution for wealth......

As in my earlier blog. I have mentioned, the issues of China & Taiwan is not an issue..The actual issues & concern of both shall be the Jobs, Food, Shelter for the Chinese people. Taiwan have a lots to contribute in leading the economy change for the mainland.

Wheareas, China have the significant resources for Taiwan as their natural domestic market & manufacturing base. So these are the advantage for the Chinese people & Chinese race altogether. With the peaceful mission from both Lian & Sung.. I am confident that the peace & stablity would be happen sooner between both China & Taiwan.

As whatever happen, it is still within the family. especially Blood is thicker then water. So let's them sought out within the family is the key after all.






Thursday, May 05, 2005

James Sung Arrived In China 宋楚瑜率亲民党访问团开始大陆之行

James Sung was the senior member of the Nationist party before he initiated his own party.

On May 05, 2005 he arrived in China together with his party executive team. James said in Taiwan regardless of which ethnic group's you are from all their respective ancestor's are from the "Yellow Highland".

He reiterated that his party is against the Taiwan independant, also aginst; one China One Taiwan or 2 China & 2 separate Nations. He said although China & Taiwan is separate by the straits, However, as long as the heart is always together then onc3e the heart is mutually communicated, everything would be on a smooth flow.

My Opinion is that with the visit of Lian & Sung, the peace between Taiwan & China would certainly established. These would also bring the stability to the North Eastern Asia. I am sure Hu is going to tell Sung the same message that Lian carried back to Taiwan.

What the people at both shore needs is for their family to reunion, for their people to have jobs, food, & shelter. The parties between both shore them must work in syn to achieve the wants & Needs of their people.


新华网西安5月5日电(记者张勇 冯国 刘喜梅)5日15时25分许,亲民党主席宋楚瑜率领的亲民党大陆访问团一行50人搭乘南方航空公司客机顺利抵达西安咸阳机场,开始对大陆进行为期9天的访问。












Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lian Comments On His Trip Accomplishments of His Visit 连战对国共两党会谈成果给予积极评价

Lian Chan have make the following comments on his trip.

1. Economic & Trade Bi-lateral Relations is the key of His Peace Journey.
It give Taiwan an opportunity for the 2nd golden economy era.

2. Hope that the both shores would continue the good foundation for a peaceful, foregiveness, more dialogues, & better understanding.

3. More peace mission between the 2 parties & the 2 shores for the Chinese people.

In my earlier reports. I have mentioned times and again that Chinese people wish & Chinese people will is for the peace & happiness of the race.

The most important thing is the shelter & food for their life.

With Taiwan knowledge in various management skills of the industries & the resources that China have, it would benefits to the people in both places for now.

These would bring stablity & peace to the region.


新华网上海5月2日电(记者季明 潘清 陈斌华)中国国民党主席连战2日在上海举行记者会,对4月29日他与中共中央总书记胡锦涛会谈新闻公报的主要内容阐述了看法,对会谈取得的成果给予积极评价。












新华网上海5月3日电(记者陈斌华 潘清 季明)中国国民党主席连战3日在上海接受大陆主要媒体记者联合采访时说,此次大陆之行非常愉快顺利。


新华网上海5月3日电(记者陈斌华 潘清 季明)中国国民党主席连战3日在上海接受新华社、人民日报等大陆主要媒体记者联合采访时说,对于此次“和平之旅”的意义,我们不敢自我期许太高,但是它很有意义,意味着两岸交流新世纪的开始。我们能踏出历史的一步,非常值得珍惜,还愿意

连战在上海举行临时记者会 透露胡连会多项成果


Monday, May 02, 2005

Brown among few politicians willing to let it rip

In fact most of the politicians today are not so technology savy. It is supprising to me that many of my generation politician still depend on their secretary to do the inputing of paper works. Need not to say about the skill of publishing on the web.

Before, I start to involve in blogging. I have gone through many experience of dependants on other to do the website & publish my own work.

Now I have over 16th blogs that I am managing myself daily.

The trend is certain that be it commercial ; buisnesses & politician's each & everyone in these Knowledge economy era must get into Blogging themself, in order to put one thoughts & ideas forward & stay connected with the people & be connected.

Brown among few politicians willing to let it rip
By Michelle Locke, The Associated Press

OAKLAND — Mayor Jerry Brown, two-time governor, three-time presidential candidate and longtime spiritual scholar, has gone where relatively few politicians dare: The one-on-one, warts-and-all world of the personal Web log.

His entries so far ( have included a vigorous defense of his idea for parolee curfews, a thoughtful reminiscence of the late Hunter S. Thompson and a lively, ringside-seat account of state's Democratic convention. ("Day Two of the convention, and it's a real bash — on the Governor.")

Also posted are hundreds of words of feedback, both celebratory and scathing — the kind of direct interaction with the body politic that many politicians rarely experience.

"This is what I would call independent thinking," Brown said in a recent interview about his new pastime.

It's the rare politician these days who doesn't have some Web presence, but they're only recently getting into blogs after watching Howard Dean use the Internet as a way to blast through the MSM (mainstream media) filter and communicate directly with voters.

"Everyone who has something interesting to say cannot afford not to be saying it in a blog as well," said Sreenath Sreenivasan, a professor at the Columbia School of Journalism who follows the blogosphere.

The politblog vanguard includes North Dakota, where five senators began blogging recently on The Bismarck Tribune's legislative Web site, and Minnesota, where several state legislators maintain personal blogs, including state Rep. Ray Cox, considered by the Pew project to be the first major politician to blog. A recent Cox entry detailed his ride to work, complete with digital photos.

Still, relatively few politicians are opting to cast aside the safety net of canned press releases and blue-penciling aides.

Who better to lead them than Brown? Once satirically dubbed Gov. Moonbeam for his futuristic thinking, he's studied classics at Berkeley and law at Yale, meditated with a Zen master in Tokyo and helped Mother Teresa care for India's dying, seemingly following his own muse throughout his life.

"Jerry Brown has always been willing to put his personality forward without worrying about having to round it off," said Michael Cornfield, senior research consultant to the Pew Internet & American Life Project and author of "Politics Moves Online."

Brown's had a Web page for years; he got the idea of starting a blog from a tech-minded friend who advised him to push his online presence "into the 21st century."

Bloggers, as Brown discovered and wrote in an early posting, "are a force."

But politicians, as a species, tend to be anything but freewheeling.

"To be a blogger means to be able to communicate with passion and to communicate with a personal voice and some politicians are not comfortable with that," said Cornfield. Upside? "A politician can use a blog to speak in a normal tone of voice and act like a real human being."

Downside: "You say something that rubs somebody the wrong way."

Some politicians' blogs have the smack of a canned release; others are little more than a string of repostings of other writers. Which leads to a commonly asked question of politblogs: Is the politician really writing it?

The question stings for Brown. He says he got some technical help, but the words are his.

"Can't you tell?" he asks. "This is my stuff. I write."

True enough, his entries are stocked with typically erudite eruptions, such as "torrid animadversions" — Brown's way of saying "heated criticism."

Brown has been a perceptive but not prolific poster. Aides blame his busy schedule, which includes preparing for a run at attorney general next year as well as his upcoming marriage to longtime girlfriend Anne Gust, who recently quit her job as an executive at Gap Inc.

Reactions posted on the blog range from hearty endorsement to rude put-down.

"Some people get pretty excited," Brown said with a chuckle. "In every blog there's a range of comments from the extreme to the thoughtful. It's a living research process."

Really extreme comments won't be posted; "there's a few trolls out there," Brown said, but a lot of quite critical responses do make it in.

"Get real, Jerry," wrote one. "Remember when you were hanging with the Black Panthers and talking about justice? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?"

Others are more encouraging: "It's great that you're blogging. Another in a series of innovative moves."

And some are downright friendly: "I am also diggin' the photo," wrote one admirer about the blog's mugshot of Brown, a stark reminder that the floppy brown hair he sported as governor went the way of disco. "Very Kojak, very sexy."

Are more politicians likely to hear the call of the blog?

Cornfield thinks so.

"I can't imagine that at some point we won't see someone who is to the Internet what JFK was to television and FDR was to radio," he said. "And whoever that person is, he or she is going to have a blog."